Summer pre-game, i.e. get access to MIMIC data, domain reading

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This is summer and we should keep things lite, but it is really important that everyione tries to gain access to the data so we can hit the ground running in the fall. I also want to make sure there is some baseline knowledge about the domain and data, so please try to take care of the tasks labeled critical.


You will be touching on these topics over the summer

  • What is sepsis, how it can be diagnosed/treated and why it is very deadly
  • The MIMIC dataset and where it comes from


  • Gain access to the MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV dataset, see instructions on home pagecritical
  • Complete both assigned readings
  • If you feel up to it, read the domain readings on sepsis and ICU care in the "Domain Expertise" and "Supplementary Resources" pages, linked from the home page
  • If you feel up to it you can also read the capstone primary paper by Zador et al. linked on the home page


  • MIMIC-III paper by Johnson et al. link
  • MIMIC-III web description link