Begin data preprocessing and learn about Elixhauser comorbidity index
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These next few weeks we will take the knowledge we have learned from working a little bit with MIMIC-III and begin to work on replicating the paper's findings.First part of this is to preprocess data required for the analysis.
You will be touching on the following topics.
- Elixhauser comorbidity index
- Data Preprocessing
- Working on a replication pipeline
- combining replication efforts within your team (e.g. git/github)
- Create a materialized or virtual view of that datatable(s) you need to perform this analysis
- Begin to process data and work from the methods section of the capstone paper
- Continue to familairize yourself with the domain as needed. Domain Expertise Page
- Submit question answers to the online form (linked below)
Answer the following questions using this google form link
- What steps have you taken in preprocessing the data?
- What challenges have you encountered in data preprocessing and how have you addressed them?
- How has the data changed after preprocessing? What impact do you expect this to have on the analysis?