Perform Network Analysis and visuals

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Depending on how the quarter has gone, we may have 1 or 2 weeks to work on the network analysis. I recommend reading up on network analysis, and read that section of the paper again.


You will be touching on the following topics.

  • Network analysis of subgroups
  • advanced data visualizations


  • PErform the network analysis described in the paper
  • Try to recreate the visualizations found in the paper for k-means, LCA, and network analysis


Answer the following questions using this google form link

  1. Please provide a description of the visualizations you have created, explaining what each one represents. Note that there will be an opportunity to showcase your visualizations during the presentation in week 10.
  2. Summarize the outcomes you have derived from the network analysis.
  3. Elaborate on the challenges faced during the implementation of network analysis and describe the strategies employed to address them.