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The exam is an opportunity for me to test how all of you are learning the lecture material. The best way to study for the exam is to carefully review your lecture notes, think about the main topics in the lectures, and then determine the details that support each of those topics. For example, we talk about reproducibility, and replicability. These are both major topics from one of the lectures. It is very likely that a question on the exam will be about this topic.

The exam is an open note exam, to be taken at the comfort of your own home. Once you begin the exam, you must finish it in one sitting.

To help students, since this is an intro class and we cover a wide range of topics, I make available a study guide to help you wrangle in all those key high level topics. It is up to you to flesh it out more, and fill in the details.

There is NO final exam in class during finals week. This take home exam will be due around week 10 or on finals week. See the course calendar for the exact date.