Final Project Part 2 Video Submission
Your team will create a 7-10 minute video presentation explaining your data science project. This video serves as the culmination of your work and should professionally showcase your analysis, findings, and collaborative efforts.
Video Requirements:
- Length: 7-10 minutes (videos significantly shorter or longer may lose points)
- Participation: Each team member must speak for at least 1 minute
- Content Coverage: Your video must address all major components of your project:
- Research question and hypothesis
- Background and relevance
- Data sources and methodology
- Key analyses performed
- Results and interpretations
- Ethical considerations
- Limitations and future directions
Technical Requirements:
- Host as an unlisted YouTube video
- Ensure audio is clear and background noise is minimized
- Visual elements (slides, code, visualizations) should be legible
- If using slides, include your team name and member names on the first slide
Submission Process:
- Upload your video to YouTube as βunlistedβ
- Submit the video URL to Gradescope as a group submission
- Ensure all team members are added to the submission
- Double-check that the link works and is accessible before final submission
Remote Collaboration:
If team members cannot meet in person, you may record a Zoom meeting with all participants visible. Screen sharing should be used to present visual elements.
Grading Considerations:
- Technical (from what we covered in class, remmeebr not code, but ideas and concepts) accuracy of content
- Clarity of presentation
- Equal contribution from all team members
- Professional delivery and organization
- Adherence to time requirements
IMPORTANT: No late submissions will be accepted without prior approval for extenuating circumstances. If you encounter an issue outside your control, email your course instructors AND all teammates BEFORE the due date.
This video presentation is your opportunity to demonstrate both your technical understanding and your ability to communicate complex findings to an audience. Approach it with the same professionalism you would a workplace presentation.